Ad una cena
tra parenti vien fuori che una zia di mia madre era una sarta. Non
che avesse studiato per diventarlo, aveva proprio una vocazione per
cui ha imparato da sola e tutti in paese si rivolgevano a lei.
Vien fuori
che da bambina era riccia e che per un lungo periodo non riuscisse a
dormire se non con un maglione avvolto attorno alla testa.
cos'abbiamo in comune io e la zia Ester? Tutto, a parte il fatto che
io abbia deciso di studiare seriamente sartoria. So che ve lo state
chiedendo: sì, anch'io ho dormito con un maglione infeltrito per una
decina d'anni quand'ero bambina. È imbarazzante, vero?
A parte
questo, sono rimasta colpita dal fatto che ci sia una fonte di
creatività nella mia famiglia. Che l'abilità di fare le cose a mano
sia ereditaria?
Voi avete
dei famigliari che vi hanno trasmesso la passione dell'handmade?
a dinner with relatives, it turns out that an aunt of my mother was a
taylor. Not that she studied to become one, just had a vocation for
which she taught herself and everyone in town turned to her.
Turns out that she was a curly child and that for a long time she sleept with a sweater wrapped around her head.
What do we have in common Aunt Ester and I? All, apart from the fact that I have decided to study seriously tailoring. I know you're wondering: yes, I have slept with a felted sweater for ten years when I was a child. It's embarrassing, isn't it?
Anyway I was struck by the fact that there is a source of creativity in my family. That the ability to do things by hand is hereditary?
Do you have a relative with an handmade passion?
Turns out that she was a curly child and that for a long time she sleept with a sweater wrapped around her head.
What do we have in common Aunt Ester and I? All, apart from the fact that I have decided to study seriously tailoring. I know you're wondering: yes, I have slept with a felted sweater for ten years when I was a child. It's embarrassing, isn't it?
Anyway I was struck by the fact that there is a source of creativity in my family. That the ability to do things by hand is hereditary?
Do you have a relative with an handmade passion?
come sarebbe potuta essere la zia Ester da bambina
as might have been aunt Ester
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